Two Late Hugo Links and Two New Arrivals

In my round-up of reactions and reports to the 2022 Hugo Award winners, I somehow missed this detailed report by Heike Lindhold at the German SFF fansite Teilzeithelden. My Hugo win gets a nice write-up, as so all the other categories.

At the Locus website (and in the print mag, though my copy is still in transit) Arley Sorg and Liza Groen Trombi also have a detailed write-up of the 2022 Worldcon and the 2022 Hugos with a quote from my acceptance speech.

Meanwhile, I also had contributor’s copies arrive in the mail. The first is my copy of The Gatekeeper, a print fanzine that was edited by Olav and Amanda of the most excellent Unofficial Hugo Book Club Blog and distributed only at Chicon 8, so it’s quite rare:

The Gatekeeper fanzineMy piece in The Gatekeeper is an entirely satirical fake WSFS Business Meeting proposal to create a new Hugo category called “Best Novel by a Straight White Cis Man”. Alas, almost as soon as this year’s Hugo winners were announced, my parody piece suddenly became a lot of satirical, when the usual “But what about the poor widdles menz?” wailing and gnashing of teeth started up.

I also received my contributor’s copy of Rising Sun Reruns: Memories of Japanese TV Show from Today’s Grown-up Kids, edited by Jim Beard.

Rising Sun Reruns: Memories of Japanese TV Shows from Today's Grown-up Kids, edited by Jim Beard

My essay in Rising Sun Reruns is about watching Japanese cartoons, both co-productions and straight imports, in West Germany in the 1970s and early 1980s. Now I actually do have PVC figurines of characters from Heidi, Vicky the Viking, Maja the Bee, Kimba the White Lion and other shows mentioned in the essay, though I never had any Captain Future toys, more the pity. Alas, most of my childhood PVC figurines with a select few exceptions are packed away in boxes on my parents’ attic. Therefore, Asuka and Misato from Neon Genesis Evangelion get to pose with my copy of Rising Sun Reruns, even though they fall a little outside the time frame covered by the book.

Asuka and Misato from Neon Genesis Evangelion pose with Rising Sun Reruns.

Finally, here is the ever popular “book with Hugo trophy” shot with bonus Asuka and Misato:

Rising Sun Reruns with Hugo Award and bonus Asuka and Misato

You can buy Rising Sun Reruns: Memories of Japanese TV Shows from Today’s Grown-up Kids here. You can also read my interview with editor Jim Beard here.

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