Cora Goes to the Virtual 2021 Octocon

Octocon 2021 banner

Octocon is the Irish national science fiction convention, which normally takes place every October in Dublin, Republic of Ireland. However, as you may have noticed, 2021 is not a normal year and therefore Octocon is virtual this year. Which means that I can attend.

The virtual 2021 Octocon takes place from October 1 to 3. Registration is free, though donations are encouraged.

The full program is here and I encourage you to check it out, because there is a lot of great content.

You can find me on the following panels:

Saturday, October 2, 11:00 Irish Summer Time (UST+1): Around the World in 80 Pictures

Sakuya (moderator), Cora Buhlert, Ann Gry, Christopher Hwang

Whether you call them bandes dessinées, historietas, fumetti, manga or comics, stories told by pictures in a sequence have a long history and a global appeal. Regional traditions can influence each other through publishing styles and cultural ideas, and in this panel we’ll take a sightseeing tour through the shared history of comics.

Saturday, October 2, 15:00 Irish Summer Time (UST+1): The Fantasy Genre Before Lord of the Rings

Elaine McIonyn (moderator), Cora Buhlert, Jack Fennell, Dr Helen Conrad-O’Briain

Tolkien popularised fantasy set in a fully realised secondary world with no direct link to our own. Yet there were authors working before The Lord of the Rings came to rule the demesne, including E.R. Eddison, Robert E. Howard and our own Lord Dunsany, whose books go in strange directions separate from those of Tolkien and his imitators. Join our panellists as they explore the work of these early fantasy writers.

Sunday, October 3, 15:00 Irish Summer Time (UST+1): Uncovering the Hidden Treasures of the Past

Ian Moore (moderator), Deirdre Thornton, Cora Buhlert, Michael Carroll, Cheryl Morgan

Science fiction as a genre looks to the future, but authors of the past can still have a lot to say to us even though their work may have fallen out of print and become a distant memory. Why have some writers and works been consigned to the vaults of history while others have remained on the shelves, and what would our panel most like to see restored from the archives?

So what are you waiting for? Register and join us at Octocon. It’s going to be a lot of fun.

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2 Responses to Cora Goes to the Virtual 2021 Octocon

  1. Pingback: Foundation Meets “The Mathematician’s Ghost” | Cora Buhlert

  2. Pingback: Cora’s Adventures at the Virtual 2021 Octocon | Cora Buhlert

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