Once Lola Laverne was the toast of Europe, singer, dancer and mistress to kings and millionaires. But those days are long over, and now Lola is rotting in a cell in Silver Dollar City, a mining town in the Old West, sentenced to hang for killing the man who tried to rape her. Men have always been Lola’s downfall. But could this really be the end for Lola Laverne? Will she perform her last dance at the end of the hangman’s rope? Or does fate have other ideas for Lola? And will she finally realize the true nature of her desires?
Read an excerpt.
List price: 0.99 USD, EUR or GBP
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More formats coming soon.
Some background information:
- Outlaw Love is 4300 words long. The story is a digital premiere and has never been published elsewhere.
- I initially wrote Outlaw Love for an anthology of lesbian pulp fiction stories. When that anthology fell through, I submitted it to two other markets where it received “good” rejections. Since the market for lesbian westerns is limited, I finally decided to publish it myself.
- I have never been the world’s biggest western fan, mainly because I don’t like the macho attitudes that go with the genre. I enjoyed subverting those macho attitudes by writing a western short story where almost all of the main characters are women.
- The character of Lola Laverne is loosely based on Lola Montez, the celebrated 19th century dancer who was the mistress of the Bavarian king and eventually fled to America.
- The cover image is a fashion plate from an issue of Harper’s Bazaar from the 1870s.
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