Another Political Plagiarist, Bestsellers and Pulp Surrealism

We have another case of suspected plagiarism involving a German politician. This time the suspected plagiarist is Bernd Althusmann, secretary of culture and education in Lower Saxony and president of the conference of German state secretaries of education. Since I teach at a school in Lower Saxony and also taught at a university in Lower Saxony, this guy is theoretically my boss.

The Potsdamer Neueste Nachrichten has more (in German). I linked to this fairly obscure regional newspaper rather than the bigger and better known news sources, because their article is very good. Besides, the topic is of interest to a Potsdam based newspaper, because Althusmann gained his doctorate at the University of Potsdam.

The current bestseller discussion is also still going on, because here is another Bookforum article on bestseller lists, this time by Michael Dirda. Apparently, this is the article Andrew Wheeler was responding to, not the other one. It is marginally better, though I don’t agree with his suggestion that every author should only get to appear on the bestseller list once. And Gene Wolfe is not an author that “no one has heard of”, as Michael Dirda claims, though he certainly deserves to be better known. Never mind that e.g. the New York Times is already grouping all volumes of a YA series (not adult series, though, for some reason) together on their Children’s series list, so seven volumes of Harry Potter and four and a half of Twilight won’t fill up the entire YA bestseller list.

Finally, I really like this post/manifesto by Paul Jessup on pulp surrealism.

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2 Responses to Another Political Plagiarist, Bestsellers and Pulp Surrealism

  1. Pingback: Yet another plagiarism rant – and one about garden fascism | Cora Buhlert

  2. Pingback: Rant surrealism | 360inconline

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