Today, someone found my blog after entering “sex with my mom self” into Google. I don’t think I want to know what that person was looking for, but I’m pretty sure my site doesn’t have it.
I also get regular searches for “sex cora” or “cora sex” (sorry, guys, but it’s not that kind of blog), “hotxxxlinkdump” and – believe it or not – “zeppelin porn”.
Have a hysterical link I just came across!
Thanks. That was hilarious.
I shall now glom onto all their backlist, import the Silver Jubilee DVD and some of their CDs. If you haven’t clicked on their own channel yet – from the same concert there is a horribly funny send-up of German cabaret singers.
They’re absolutely fabulous. I hadn’t seen the cabaret clip yet, but Will Shetterly linked to this wonderful send-up of Ryan Air‘s business practices. So true, particular if you’ve ever had to deal with Ryan Air and their “charge you extra for everything” practices.
yes, I thought this was one of the strongest numbers. It’s on their current DVD, so yay ^^.