New Charity Anthology available: Something to Take on the Trip

I’ve mentioned before that I have a story in an upcoming charity anthology.

The anthology Something to Take on the Trip, edited by Stella Wilkinson, is now available. It contains stories from 42 authors, including Kevin J. Anderson, David Gerrold and Ron McLarty (and yours truly, of course), all donated to raise funds for Wallace & Gromit’s Grand Appeal, a charity to benefit a children’s hospital in Bristol. The cover was designed by the very talented Gayle Ramage. Copyediting was providing by Amy K. Maddox of the blue pencil.

Something to Take on the Trip
Something to Take on the TripSomething to Take on the Trip is loaded with short stories for people who have a limited amount of time to read a bit of something everyday.

Aimed at commuters and people on journeys short and long, each story is just the right length for your trip. Comedy, romance, drama, mystery, science fiction and everything in between, there is something here for you whatever your mood!

This is no ordinary anthology. Aimed at readers 18 – 80 it contains a variety of genres from a variety of authors. The writers who contributed to this book come from locations across 4 continents, and kindly donated their work in aid of a children’s hospital charity.

Contributing Authors: Kevin J. Anderson, Aditi Bathia, Graham Brand, Donald R. Broyles, Cora Buhlert, Neil Bursnoll, Jamie Campbell, Michael Carmella, T.L. Champion, Helen Cho, Samuel Clements, J. David Core, Cate Dean, Stephen Drivick, Dan Fiorella, Erin Garlock, David Gerrold, Edward M. Grant, Sheila Guthrie, Jamie Horyski, Mary Kincaid, Paul B. Kohler, Paul Levinson, Kevin A. Lyons, Kelly Lytle, Ron McLarty, John L. Monk, Lindy Moone, E. Percy Muove, Debadatta Pati, Dario Solera, H.S. Stone, Joe Tannian, Vincent Trigili, Karen Tucker, Rich Walls, Stella Wilkinson, Richard Wolanski and Frank Zubek.

Buy it for the low price of 3.99 USD or equivalent at at Amazon US, Amazon UK, Amazon Germany, Amazon France, Amazon Spain, Amazon Italy, Amazon Canada, Amazon Australia, Amazon Brazil, Amazon Japan, Amazon India, Amazon Mexico, Kobo, Barnes & Noble, Apple iTunes, Smashwords and Nook UK.


My story in Something to Take on the Trip is called “Refusal of the Call” and it’s the very first one. If you’re familiar with Joseph Campbell and his monomyth, the title should give you a hint as to what it’s about. For more information about the various stories and authors, check out the interviews Frank Zubek did with many of the contributors at his blog What Brick Wall?.

Something to Take on the Trip is the third in a series of charity anthologies. The previous two volumes in the series, Something to Read on the Ride and Something for the Journey, in which I have a story as well, are also widely available. An omnibus edition is planned for later this year.

So what are you waiting for? Pick up the anthology (or all three), read some great short stories and help sick children in Bristol.

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2 Responses to New Charity Anthology available: Something to Take on the Trip

  1. Pingback: More on the anthology “Something to Take on the Trip” | Cora Buhlert

  2. Pingback: “Something to Read: The Omnibus Anthology” with two stories by Cora | Cora Buhlert

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