After the con is before the con. In this case, two days before the con, because only one and a half days after I returned from the 2024 Worldcon in Glasgow, I’m off again to the 2024 Eurocon in Rotterdam in the Netherlands. This means that you’ll have to wait a bit longer for my Worldcon report and Hugo commentary (and Dragon Award commentary), because I barely had time to do laundry and unpack and repack my suitcase today.
Two cons in two different countries on two consecutive weekends is not great timing and normally, I would have skipped one of them. However, I absolutely wanted to go to Erasmuscon, because it’s in Rotterdam, where my Dad worked from 1983 to 1990 and where I spent some very happy times indeed. What is more, I actually saw the location of the con, the Beurs World Trade Center, being built from my Dad’s kitchen window, though I’ve never been inside. So of course I had to go.
I’ll also be on the following panels:
Panel Female creators, how far have we come?
Time: Sunday, August 18, 2024, 11:30
Location: Mees
Description: Once upon a time, our female authors hid their identity with a male or unisex pen name so they were treated equally as men. Works created by women were taken less seriously. Finding an audience was harder for women than for men. Has this changed? Or do we still need to put these statements in the present tense? Come listen to the women who have been creating books, art, and movies for at least ten years. What has changed during their careers? Have they bridged the gap with their male colleagues and left the bias behind them, or is there still work to do?
Moderator: Kim ten Tusscher
Panelists: Bo Balder, Kathryn Sullivan, Cora Buhlert
Panel DIY: the ins and outs of self publishing
Time: Sunday, Sunday, August 18, 2024, 16:00
Location: Penn
Description: How to get your work published? This modern day and age give you many options. This panel will discuss the self-publishing option, including authors who found non-conventional ways to get their work published and to fans. They will discuss the paths they took and welcome questions from the audience.
Moderator: Cora Buhlert
Panelists: Jasper Polane, Sophia Drenth, Joost Uitdehaag
So if you’re at Erasmuscon, say hello to me.
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