New Release: Valentine’s Day on Iago Prime

One of the 31 stories I wrote during the July short story challenge last year was a science fiction short called “Valentine’s Day on Iago Prime”. It was a story about a young couple celebrating their first Valentine’s Day on a newly settled planet and was inspired by a piece of SF art showing two spacesuited figures standing hand in hand on an alien beach.

Until now, “Valentine’s Day on Iago Prime” remained unpublished and uncollected, because it didn’t really fit in with any of the other stories I wrote during that challenge.

However, with Valentine’s Day approaching, I dug up the story again and expanded it somewhat (the original was very short) so it could stand alone as a science fiction holiday story. Because on of the strengths of indie publishing is that it allows us to put out stories to coincide with holidays, etc… without months of preparation.

I had planned to announce the story on Valentine’s Day, but unfortunately two major vendors decided to take their time in putting the story online – apparently, there was a public holiday in the US and another in Canada just that very weekend.

And so here it is, Valentine’s Day on Iago Prime – a bit late, but still a nice story about a couple trying to hold on to their personal traditions in a radically different environment. Oh yeah, and it has Welsh people. In space.

By the way, Valentine’s Day on Iago Prime is also today’s featured new release at the Speculative Fiction Showcase, the indie speculative fiction blog I run together with Jessica Rydill. We featzre new indie speculative fiction releases, author interviews, guest posts, link round-ups and much more several times per week, so check it out.

And now get ready to celebrate…

Valentine’s Day on Iago Prime
Valentine's Day on Iago PrimeKai and Maisie are about the celebrate their first Valentine’s Day on the planet Iago Prime. However, the holiday traditions they established back on Earth such as celebrating Valentine’s Day with a picnic on the beach are impossible to maintain in the hostile environment of their new home. But in spite of the many limitations imposed by living on Iago Prime, Kai pulls out all the stops to give Maisie an unforgettable Valentine’s Day.

This is a science fictional Valentine’s Day story of 2200 words or approx. 10 print pages.


More information.
Length: 2200 words
List price: 0.99 USD, EUR or GBP
Buy it at Amazon US, Amazon UK, Amazon Germany, Amazon France, Amazon Netherlands, Amazon Spain, Amazon Italy, Amazon Canada, Amazon Australia, Amazon Brazil, Amazon Japan, Amazon India, Amazon Mexico, Kobo, Barnes & Noble, Apple iTunes, Scribd, Smashwords, Inktera, txtr, Thalia, Weltbild, Hugendubel,, Libiro, Nook UK, DriveThruFiction, OmniLit/AllRomance e-books, Casa del Libro, Flipkart, e-Sentral, 24symbols and XinXii.

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