Cora is Elsewhere on the Web Today

The third local paper Kreiszeitung also reported about my Hugo win today. This article by Andreas Hapke focusses on the odyssey (chronicled here) that my poor Hugo trophy had to go through to reach me.

And here is the article in the print edition:

Kreiszeitung articleI like the headline of the print article: “Rocket arrived via crash landing.”


In other news, I’m over at Galactic Journey again today and review the 1967 West German horror movie The Snake Pit and the Pendulum, which is known under a bunch of alternate titles such as The Blood Demon, The Torture Chamber of Dr. Sadism (this one makes no sense, since the main villain is a Count, not a doctor) or Castle of the Walking Dead internationally. But whatever you want to call it, it’s a fun horror movie and quite graphic by German standards.

Don’t believe me? Watch the trailer below. Though be warned that in true 1960s German movie trailer fashion, the trailer gives away most of the plot:

Though I’m not the only person reviewing a movie on Galactic Journey today. Fiona Moore also shares her thoughts on the science fiction horror movie Quartermass and the Pit, Victoria Silverwolf weighs in on The Day the Fish Came Out, a psychedelic apocalyptic movie that I have to admit I never heard of before, and Jason Sacks shares his thoughts on Bonnie and Clyde, which is not even remotely SFF, but a classic of late 1960s cinema.

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