Cora is a Hugo Finalist!

As you probably know, the finalists for the 2020 Hugo Awards and the 1945 Retro Hugo Awards have just been announced. Both ballots are very good this year and I promise you that the detailed analysis of the finalists, which I know you’re all waiting for, is coming as soon as I can get it written. In the meantime, you can read Camestros Felapton’s comments about the 2020 Hugo finalists. And if you want to get started reading the finalists (never too early), JJ has put together a handy list where to find the finalists for the 2020 Hugo Awards for free at File 770.

But for now, I want to focus on just one category, namely the 2020 Hugo Award for Best Fan Writer. Cause if you take a look at that category, you will find – among most excellent company – my name.

Yes, I’m a Hugo finalist for Best Fan Writer!

I’ve known about this for about two weeks now (for those who don’t know, the Hugo coordinators contact you beforehand to ask if you want to accept the nomination), but I’m still in shock. When I got the e-mail from CoNZealand, I initially didn’t even know what it was. I was waiting for an e-mail from my ISP and for my Disney Plus activation mail, so when I saw a mail from CoNZealand in my inbox instead, I thought it was a newsletter or progress report.

It’s a great honour to be a Hugo finalist and I want to thank everybody who nominated me. I’m also thrilled that my friends of Galactic Journey are finalists again in the Best Fanzine category and that my friend Paul Weimer is a fellow finalist in the fan writer category.

Unfortunately, with CoNZealand going virtual due to the corona pandemic, there won’t be a traditional Hugo ceremony nor the reception beforehand nor the Hugo Losers’ Party afterwards. But thankfully, I got to experience all that last year in Dublin as the designated accepter for Galactic Journey. And on the plus side, it means that I can follow the Hugo announcements in my pyjamas, which is a lot more comfortable than an evening gown and tiara.

I also have a request. Like all Hugo finalists, I will be asked to put together a selection of writings for the Hugo voters packet. And that’s why I need your help. Which 2019 articles or essays of mine should go into the Hugo Voters packet? There is a full list here, so let me know in the comments which ones you think should go into the packet.

How can you vote for the 2020 Hugos and 1945 Retro Hugos? I guess pretty much everybody here knows how it works, but for those who don’t, it’s quite simple. If you buy a supporting membership for CoNZealand, the 2020 Worldcon, you can vote for the Hugo and Retro Hugo Awards as well as vote to select the location of the 2022 Worldcon. You also receive all of the convention publications and get access to the Hugo Voters’ packet, which contains most of the nominated works either in part or as a whole. If you buy an online attending membership, you can also attend the virtual Worldcon panels and other events online.

As I said above, the detailed analysis of the 2020 Hugo and 1945 Retro Hugo ballot is coming soon, probably tomorrow. But for now, I just want to say thank you for nominating me.

ETA: I also have a media kit now, which may be found here.

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24 Responses to Cora is a Hugo Finalist!

  1. Mike Glyer says:

    Congratulations! Well deserved. Glad to see you on the ballot.

  2. Kip Williams says:

    Way to go, Cora! I see you put in all this work (labor of love, no doubt!), pubbing your ish regularly, and it’s nice to see it recognized. I’ll tell everybody I knew you when.

  3. Chuck Litka says:

    Congratulations on your nomination. I’m rooting for you to win, as you’ve written may thoughtful articles and reviews in the past year, and over the years. Not to mention all your other contributions, web sites and such, to science fiction. A win would certainly be well earned.

  4. On your packet choices
    >I think the Darth Vader Parenthood award post should be included because it’s one of your signature things and good fun.
    >I particularly enjoyed, The Immortal Supervillain: The Remarkable Forty-Two Year Career of Dr. Mabuse at Galatic Journey

    I really enjoyed your Star Trek Discovery reviews and also the stuff on the Dragon Awards and the Nebulas but they overlap so much with my own interests that I might be less objective about them! 🙂

    • Cora says:

      I was considering including either the Mabuse or Edgar Wallace article in my packet, since my review of the latest (in 1964) movies in either series will go into Galactic Journey’s packet.

      The Darth Vader Parenthood Award post is a good idea. I will probably include at least one Discovery review and an awards post.

      Anyway, thanks for the suggestions.

  5. Congratulations, Cora!

    I also liked your series of Star Trek: Discovery reviews, and both of the Darth Vader Parenthood posts.

    In addition, I enjoyed the articles “The Women Science Fiction Fans Don’t See” and “Ian McEwen is Clueless About Science Fiction.”

    • Cora says:

      Thanks for the suggestions and the congratulations.

      Would you believe that I had completely forgotten that the Ian McEwan thing happened last year? What makes it even more amusing is that McEwan subsequently ended up a Dragon Award finalist.

  6. Mark says:

    Congrats, Cora.

    Posts-wise, Bonnie’s suggestions above all seem good to me. One of your award roundups would also be good to represent how many of those you do.
    Obviously some of your Galactic Journey stuff as well.

    • Cora says:

      Thank you.

      One of my articles will go into Galactic Journey’s Hugo voter packet anyway and I will include at least one more, most likely one of the movie articles.

  7. Mark H says:

    Finally. Well deserved!

  8. Estara Swanberg says:

    This is awesome, and overdue to my mind ^^

  9. Pingback: Some Thoughts on the Hugo Award Finalists, Part I: The 1945 Retro Hugo Awards | Cora Buhlert

  10. Pingback: Cora Goes to CoNZealand, the Virtual 2020 Worldcon | Cora Buhlert

  11. Pingback: Some Reflections on the 2020 Hugo Ceremony a.k.a. Reminiscing with George | Cora Buhlert

  12. Pingback: An Open Letter to the 2021 Hugo Finalists, Whoever They May Be | Cora Buhlert

  13. Pingback: An Open Letter to the 2022 Hugo Finalists, Whoever They May Be | Cora Buhlert

  14. Pingback: Pixel Scroll 3/18/22 When A Pixel’s Not Engaged In Its Enscrollment | File 770

  15. Pingback: An Open Letter to the 2023 Hugo Finalists, Whoever They May Be | Cora Buhlert

  16. Pingback: An Open Letter to the 2024 Hugo Finalists, Whoever They May Be | Cora Buhlert

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