This past week was not just Hugo kvetching week, but there were also other things going on.
For example, yesterday, my parents celebrated their golden wedding anniversary. The actual anniversary was on Thursday, April 9th, but because most people are working on Thursdays, they decided to hold the big party on the weekend.
And before anybody wonders, nope, I’m not that old. My parents had me several years after they got married.
Now I’m an introvert and not a party person at all. Nonetheless, the party was nice. Plus, I finally had an excuse to wear that really great dress that I rarely get to wear and use my beaded evening bag, which unfortunately dates from the pre-cellphone era, so I had problems stuffing mine into the bag.
I’m not going to bore you with photos of the party, but here is the invitation I made for my parents. I took some scanned wedding photos (the originals are here) and added some psychedelic graphics for that full sixties feeling, though only one person among the thirty-five guests got what I was trying to do:
That invitation is delightful! I hope they had a wonderful time.
Yes, they did, though it was also quite exhausting. Plus, my parents could open a flower shop now.