The final Star Trek Picard review is coming and I also have something new planned for this blog that you’ll hopefully enjoy. But for now I have two other things to share.
For starters, I was interviewed by the wonderful Andrea Johnson on the Retro Rockets podcast and talk about old and new SFF, being a Hugo finalist and lots of other things.
You can listen to the episode here.
In other news, I assembled my Hugo Voter Packet for 2022 and and if you’re a member of Chicon 8, this year’s Worldcon, it will be available soon, together with the rest of this year’s Hugo Voter Packet.
However, if you want to get a headstart on your Hugo reading, even if you’re not a member of Chicon 8, you can now download my Hugo Voter Packet for free in the e-book format of your choice at StoryOrigin.
What can you find inside? A hopefully representative selection of everything I wrote in 2021, ranging from fiction and media reviews via essays, genre commentary and interviews to humor pieces.
Finally, I also want to show off the gorgeous cover, courtesy of the hypertalented Tithi Luadthong. Not only does it strike the balance between retro and modern, there also is a rocket in the image.