I tend to feel uncomfortable with eligibility posts, but I posted such an overview for the first time last year, when someone added my name to the Hugo Nominations Wiki. And since I did it last year, I decided to make an overview post for 2017 as well.
So if you’re interested in what I write, here is an overview of all SFF related blogposts of 2017, in chronological order, as well as a list of the SFF fiction I published.
At this blog:
- Rest in Peace, Richard Hatch, the original Captain Apollo
- Some Thoughts on the 2016 Nebula Nominees, the Shadow Clarke Award and some other awards
- Reactions to the 2016 Nebula Award Nominees
- More 2016 Nebula Awards Reactions
- An interview and a new post-apocalyptic collection: After the End
- The Puppies Are Pooping Again
- Of narrative catnip, cultural taste differences, telling my own stories and a new “In Love and War” novella: Dead World
- The Space Opera Resurgence
- The Obligatory Hugo Nominations Reaction Post 2017 – and the first ever Nommo Awards
- Reactions to the 2017 Hugo Finalists
- Yet More Reactions to the 2017 Hugo Finalists.
- And even more reactions to the 2017 Hugo Finalists
- Space Opera – It’s not just for white men anymore (and never was in the first place)
- What is it that makes Space Opera so good?
- A few words on the 2016 Nebula Awards, the 2017 Arthur C. Clarke Awards and the Shadow Clarkes
- Rest in Peace, Roger Moore.
- The July Short Story Challenge 2017 – 32 Short Stories in 31 Days
- Some Comments on the 2017 Dragon Award Nominees.
- A Very Few Words on the 2017 Hugo Awards.
- Some Videos of my WorldCon Adventures.
- Some More Words About the 2017 Hugo Awards.
- WorldCon 75 Photos and a Report
- Some Comments on the 2017 Dragon Award Winners
- 2017 Dragon Awards Reactions.
- Let us welcome our Robot Overlords
- Romance Bashing: The New York Times Edition.
- Cultural Differences and Some Baseless Speculation about Star Trek Discovery.
- Nobel Honours for SFF Writers and More on the Latest Round of Romance Bashing
- Redemption Arcs and Yet More Complaints about Star Trek Discovery
- Cannibalizing Star Trek: Yet More Star Trek Discovery Complaints
- More Griping about Star Trek Discovery and Some Surprising Parallels to Raumpatrouille Orion.
- The Darth Vader Parenthood Award for Outstandingly Horrible Fictional Parents
- Star Trek – Into Grimdarkness
- More than just a Bond Girl – Remembering Karin Dor
- Star Trek Discovery – Of Rubberheads and Rushed Romances
- Star Trek Discovery – Now with Sweet Gay Kisses, Full Frontal Nudity and Klingon Prison Rape
- A Milestone, Two Sales and a New Science Fiction Story: A Mess of Arms and Legs and Limbs
- Michael Burnham, Poe Dameron and the Decline of the Maverick Hero
- Twelve editions plus a special holiday edition of Indie Speculative Fiction of the Month
- Eight editions plus a special holiday edition of Indie Crime Fiction of the Month
- Interview at Troglodad.
- I also co-run the Speculative Fiction Showcase, a group blog focussed on indie SFF, and the Indie Crime Scene, a blog focussed on indie mysteries, crime fiction and thrillers.
Fiction (SFF only):
- After the End – Stories of Life After the Apocalypse, short story collection
- Dead World, novella
- Tea and Treachery, short story
- A Mess of Arms and Legs and Limbs, short story
- Christmas on Iago Prime, short story
- “Baptism of Fire” in The Guardian: Eleven Science Fiction Short Stories, edited by Alasdair Shaw, short story
- “The Trump That Ate the Solar System” in Steaks, Walls and Dossiers: The Best Trump Anthology Ever, edited by George Donnelly, short story
There’s really been a lot on the 2017. We eagerly await news from 2018!
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