Yes, I have another new release announcement to make. I promise that eventually there will be regular blogposts again, but at the moment, the new releases are coming hard and fast, so please bear with me.
Today, I am pleased to announce Monster Maelstrom, a Halloween themed flash fiction anthology edited by George Donelly. There are 24 stories about monsters in this anthology, including one of mine.
Monster Maelstrom – A Halloween Anthology
From a Hillary Clinton stripper to mythical beast-women in the harsh Scandinavian tundra and from an unusual band of steadfast teddy bears to the last man in zombie-occupied Chicago, fill your briefest moments with pulse-pounding frights and off-beat chuckles with this collection of 24 flash fiction stories.
Commuting to work? Grabbing a quick coffee? Each story tells a complete tale in but a few short minutes with the added promise of a lifelong introduction to new indie writers.
You never know, you might just find your next favorite author.
Monster Maelstrom, the second anthology in the Flash Flood series, is a hand-picked selection of master works in humor, horror and fantasy themed for Halloween and guaranteed to keep you engaged.
Best of all, it’s free, so grab your copy now at the retailer of your choice:
Get it at Amazon US, Amazon UK, Amazon Germany, Amazon France, Amazon Netherlands, Amazon Spain, Amazon Italy, Amazon Canada, Amazon Australia, Amazon Brazil, Amazon Japan, Amazon India, Amazon Mexico, Kobo, Barnes & Noble, Apple iTunes, Smashwords and Google Play.
Our editor George Donnelly blogs a bit about the anthology here. Monster Maelstrom is part of a whole series of flash fiction anthologies and you can find out how to get the first volume, Bite-Sized Stories, and the next one, Christmas in the Family, for free at George’s blog.
My story in Monster Maelstrom is called “The Reanimated Reunion Tour” and is another story to come out of the 2016 July short story challenge. It’s a comedy horror story about a group of zombie opera singers, The Undead Tenors, post-humously reunited for one final performance.
Like many other stories to come out of the July short story challenge, “The Reanimated Reunion Tour” was inspired by a piece of fantasy art, namely this one.
However, “The Reanimated Reunion Tour” also draws on the love for opera I developed as a teenager. Because the five Undead Tenors (only three of whom are actually tenors, the other two are a baritone and a basso) were once the greatest opera stars of their time, they played all the great parts in all the big houses and festivals and they sure as hell won’t let anybody forget that. Resemblances to any actual opera singers living, dead or undead are entirely coincidental, of course.
I even managed to sneak in a reference to my all-time favourite opera aria, “Oh, wie will ich triumphieren” from The Abduction from the Seraglio by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart with lyrics by Christoph Friedrich Bretzner. You can see and hear it here, performed by the master himself, Kurt Moll (sorry, Anselmo).
However, my little quirky tale of zombie opera singers is only one of 24 stories about some common and very uncommon monsters to be found in Monster Maelstrom.
Oh yes, and did I mention that the anthology is free?
So what are you waiting for? Grab your copy today.