Springtime Pretties

We are experiencing an extremely early spring this year (which is hell for people with hayfever), so here are two pretty springtime shots:

Rapeseed field

This is the view from my bedroom window. A blooming cherry tree in the foreground and a blooming rapeseed field in the background. It sure looks lovely, though I’d enjoy the view more, if I wasn’t violently allergic to rapeseed pollen.

Pretty blue flowers

Some pretty blue flowers and some hyacinths in the garden

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4 Responses to Springtime Pretties

  1. Sherwood Smith says:

    So beautiful!

  2. Kaz Augustin says:

    Cora, with all that rapeseed around, I’m figuring you must have some local beekeepers! 🙂 Bees collect nectar from rapeseed (canola) flowers. I’ve read that eating raw, local honey is a good long-term strategy for hayfever sufferers. The honey you ingest helps build up some hayfever immunity. It takes a couple of seasons, from what I’ve heard, but if you know of a bee society nearby, that might be something you could investigate. If nothing else, it’s healthy for you!

    • Cora says:

      I eat quite a lot of honey and also tend to use it for sweetening instead of sugar. I usually keep a jar of supermarket honey in the pantry, but I also buy the good local stuff from a farm shop. I guess that’s the reason why I’m not worse off and can usually keep the hayfever at bay with homeopathic drops and only have to take the heavy anti-allergy pills a couple of times per year.

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