Plugs, superfast publishing and a new story: Old Mommark’s Tale

First of all, I have a few links and plugs:

I have mentioned Find, Read, Love, a site dedicated to the promotion and discovery of indie e-books, in these pages before. Find, Read, Love just had a great redesign, so check it out. The site is run by French writer Nathalie Hamidi a.k.a. Irma Geddon, whom I interviewed a few months ago.

If you’re in the Bremen area, the launch reading/event for Riverbank City, the latest poetry collection by Irish writer Ian Watson, will take place on Wednesday, August 28, at six o’clock PM in the Krimibibliothek in the central library Am Wall 201. Ian is the first editor who ever bought one of my stories (sort of, it was a non-paying mag) and the person who taught me most of what I know about writing.

Finally, I’ve also got an announcement of my own to make, for I have a new short story out. Now I hadn’t planned to publish a new story so soon – the next one, a post-apocalyptic novelette, won’t be ready until early September.

However, Joe Konrath launched the eight hour e-book challenge, i.e. to write, proof, format, create a cover and publish a short e-book in an eight hour period. Since it was a weekend, I decided to take part and actually did manage to write and publish a story from scratch in approx. seven hours, not counting the time it took for the story to go live on the various platforms.

I go a bit more into the process of writing and publishing a short story in eight hours over at Pegasus Pulp.

But for now, I present you Old Mommark’s Tale:

Old Mommark's TaleIn a tavern on Tortuga, the pirate Old Mommark recalls an adventure of his youth and tells a tale of an uncharted island, a great treasure, the gruesome Captain Scarlet and the even more gruesome monster that dragged him to his doom. But is it a true story or just sailor’s yarn, spun under the influence of too much rum?




For more information, visit the Old Mommark’s Tale page.
Buy it for the low price of 0.99 USD, EUR or GBP at Amazon US, Amazon UK, Amazon Germany, Amazon France, Amazon Spain, Amazon Italy, Amazon Canada, Amazon Brazil, Amazon Japan, Amazon India, Amazon Mexico, Kobo, Barnes & Noble, Apple iTunes, Casa del Libro, W.H. Smith, Nook UK, DriveThruFiction, OmniLit/AllRomance e-books and XinXii.

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