New German language short story available – Neuer Kurzkrimi auf Deutsch erhältlich

I have a new German language short story available. And since I got a request for more funny stories in German, this is one is a translation of Loot, a funny crime short with no violence and a real jerk getting his comeuppance. Okay, so there is a dead cat in the story, but poor Katrina dies peacefully in the third paragraph of old age in her sleep at the biblical age (for cats, that is) of seventeen. And without Katrina’s death, there wouldn’t have been a story at all.


Ich habe gerade einen neuen Kurzkrimi auf Deutsch rausgebracht. Und da ich eine Anfrage nach mehr lustigen Geschichten auf Deutsch erhalten habe, handelt es sich hier um einen humoristischen Kurzkrimi ohne Gewalt, in dem auch noch ein ziemlich Arschloch eine Lektion erteilt bekommt. Okay, da gibt es eine tote Katze in der Geschichte, aber die arme Katrina stirbt im dritten Absatz friedlich im Schlaf an Altersschwäche im für Katzen biblischen Alter von siebzehn Jahren. Und ohne Katrinas Tod gäbe es keine Story.

Reiche Beute
Reiche BeuteJack Slater ist die mieseste Sorte von Kriminellem, ein Dieb, der sich auf Friedhöfen herumtreibt, um alte Damen um ihre Handtaschen zu erleichtern. Aber als Jack die Handtasche von Eudora Pennington klaut, bekommt er eine gehörige Überraschung…





Mehr Informationen gibt es hier.

Erhältlich für den niedrigen Preis von 0,99 EUR, USD oder GBP bei Amazon Deutschland, Amazon USA, Amazon UK, Amazon Frankreich, Amazon Italien, Amazon Spanien, Amazon Canada, Amazon Brasilien, Amazon Japan, Kobo, Barnes & Noble, Casa del Libro und XinXii.

Dieses Buch gibt es auch auf English.

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3 Responses to New German language short story available – Neuer Kurzkrimi auf Deutsch erhältlich

  1. sherwood smith says:

    Got it! Though I had to go rooting on to find it–apparently I cannot sign up for This sucks.

    (Which also raises the question of how to format and upload a translation of one of my books. I paid someone to translate it, and I have it . . . and there it sits because I have no idea how to properly format it for German readers, sigh.)

    • Cora says:

      Apparently, you can only buy e-books from the Amazon in your region. Hence, I can only buy from Amazon DE, you can only buy from COM, etc… I usually link to all available Amazons, so everybody can get a link to his/her preferred region. However, I messed up the links because I didn’t close an HTMl tag properly, so you couldn’t access the Com link. But it’s fixed now.

      As for uploading German (or other foreign language) books, you can do that via Amazon’s KDP and Kobo as with any other e-book. Just specify the language as German and it is automatically listed correctly. And if you select worldwide rights, it goes on sale in every Amazon store.

      Formatting German language books is a bit trickier, because many e-readers have problems interpreting Umlaute, ß and other special characters, which are common in German. I always use an HTML file as the e-book sourcefile and replace the various Umlaute, etc… with the respective HTML character entities. It’s a fairly simple search and replace operation. The bottom double quotes are a bit trickier, because search and replace doesn’t work, since English only has upper quotes. I do those by hand, which is something of a nuissance for a whole novel. But you don’t have to do this, since most Germans are used to upper quotes only by now.

      Anyway, send me a mail, if you need help.

      PS: Hope you’ll enjoy the story.

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