I’m at my parents and spent most of tonight decorating the Christmas tree and wrapping presents. Since there are a lot of ornaments, some of them dating from the 1960s, that took a while.
And even after I was finished, I was still stuck because my parents insisted on watching the Christmas special of the German TV series Um Himmels Willen (For heaven’s sake), which is a sort of updated Don Camillo and Peppone with none of the satirical bite of the original and a meddling nun replacing Don Camillo. In short, I’d rather watch paint dry than watch For Heaven’s Sake.
Santa apparently decided to buy some e-books this year, for two of my books hit Amazon bestseller lists yesterday. There is a more detailed post over at the Pegasus Pulp blog.
And now have some photos of Christmas tree decorating:

Forty-five years of Christmas ornaments, part two. The delicate paper and foil ornaments on the right side of the photo are among the oldest and date from the 1960s.
I’ll post photos of the result tomorrow.
But for now have a wonderful Christmas or other seasonally appropriate holiday.
Awww, so nice to see the whole history of the family on the tree. My mother decided when we kids have moved out, to decorate the tree to her taste and that is with red balls and white porcelain decorations. Now that Leonie exists she hangs some sweets into the tree when Kai’s family comes over – or in this year’s case, Kai drops her off.
It’s not a great Christmas year for my parents. Kai will drop her off on the 27th for a few days and the rest of the family isn’t coming over on any of the real holy days. I’m not at my parents for the first time in my life – I have “akute Bronchitis” and that since the 30th of November and in spite of getting antibiotics for the bacteria influence you can see in my sputum.
To be honest, I’m quite glad I’m home – this year really put me through the wringer emotionally (a lot of it based on my evaluation and the way my boss dealt with that) getting me the nearest to depression I have been since my eye problems started in 2009 (THAT is actually much better, it has not opened for more than half a year now, and it’s never been closed that long since the start of it *crosses fingers*) and I have no strength left to deal with my parents’ emotional blackmail.
I’m spending a lot of time in bed coughing and some time in front of the pc and I especially love the fact I don’t have to speak (I bet I would have gotten over it much faster if I had stayed out of school – but I had already done that twice last year when my voice went completely). The cough is getting better but it isn’t gone. I might have give up on my goal to get to my parents in time for my niece’s stay. Oh well.
I wish YOU a peaceful and healthy Christmas (and happy New Year, should I forget).
Ah, that sucks.
I hope you get better soon and have a nice Christmas in spite of the bronchitis. And hopefully, 2013 will be better for you than 2012.
Thanks for the well-wishing but it unfortunately didn’t work out in time for Leonie’s visit. My parents did come over yesterday for a brief spell, because my mum wanted to bring me food. I was at least able to give them my Christmas presents and hand over my presents for my brother’s family, as well.
I know have a full on cold, dripping nose and all, but at least I still manage to sleep quite a bit at night, when it’ s worst. Hoping to deal with this during the rest of the hols until the 7th when school starts down here ( and when I have my first announced test for 2013).
Get better soon.
I was largely spared colds this year, though I got hit by hives the week before the 3rd advent Sunday. I thought I’d have to call in sick at school, but luckily antihistamines did the trick.
Our school also starts on January 7th next year.