As the post title indicates, I have a new story available. This one is called Cartoony Justice and it’s very dear to my heart.
As you can tell by the cover, Cartoony Justice is something of a departure from my usual fare. After all, it’s a story that features magic, talking pigs, flying anvils, singing and dancing bananas and cartoons. In fact, Cartoony Justice is an homage to the Saturday morning cartoons of my childhood and a bit of virtual revenge against those pundits who wanted to ban them.
Cartoony Justice is the sort of story that indie publishing was made for, because it’s the story that gained more “Love it, but don’t know what to do with it” rejections than any other.
So here it is, the story that was too weird for New Weird, too bizarre for Bizarro:
Cartoony Justice
It’s Saturday morning. Time for the Dead End Show, everybody’s favourite cartoon program. Hosted by Linda and Dead End Cat, with special guest star Diane, the Vitamin Queen.
It’s Saturday morning and Stella is trying to sleep. When she is rudely awakened, she tunes in to watch the Dead End Show but instead finds an infernally boring film about… bananas?
Something nefarious is going on here and Stella is determined to get to the bottom of it. And considering that Stella is the most powerful sorceress on Earth, nobody in his right mind would stand in her way.
Frederick J. Waardehem PhD has not been in his right mind for a long time now. What is more, he really hates Saturday morning cartoons. They are loud and crude and violent and have absolutely no educational value at all. Which is why they should be banned. After all, won’t someone think of the children?
Waardehem has persuaded the TV station to cancel the Dead End Show and replace it with educational and wholesome programming, starting with Waardehem’s personal favourite, a documentary about bananas.
But trouble is heading for Frederick J. Waardehem. Trouble in the form of Stella, mighty mistress of magic, and her friend Diane, Vitamin queen and alien amazon warrior. They’re angry, they’ve got magic and they will soon make Waardehem regret his banana fixation.
This is a 5300 word short story of cartoons and talking pigs, singing bananas, flying anvils and magic.
For more information visit the Cartoony Justice page.
Buy it for the low price of 0.99 USD, EUR or GBP at Amazon US, Amazon UK, Amazon Germany, Amazon France, Amazon Spain, Amazon Italy, Amazon Japan, Kobo, Barnes & Noble, DriveThruFiction, OmniLit/AllRomance ebooks, W.H. Smith, Casa del Libro and XinXii.
More formats coming soon.
By the way, in case you’re wondering about the links that are not yet live – some distributors take more time than others. And yes, Barnes & Noble is not a typo, since I’m distributing to Barnes & Noble now. So my books should show up there sometime soon (I hope).
Enjoy! 🙂