Some kind of pollen seems to be flying around that does not agree with my hayfever at all, besides half the Internet seems to be in San Diego for Comic Con this weekend, so here’s just a short post for this Sunday:
My post about the New Pulp Fiction over at the Pegasus Pulp blog got quite a bit of attention on Twitter and Facebook, so head over and read it, if you haven’t already.
In other news, my official write-up of the launch reading for newleaf 28 as well as my write-up for last year’s Summer Session reading is up on the official newleaf website.
While on the subject of newleaf, the second crime novel by newleaf author Elke Marion Weiss, Die ungewisse Reise nach Samarkand (The uncertain journey to Samarkand), came out a few days ago. There’s a Kindle edition as well, which is not always common for German language fiction yet.