New Release: Seraglio

No, this is not an April’s Fool joke, I really have a new novelette available. I actually planned to announce it yesterday, but Amazon was slow to make it available.

This story is called Seraglio and it’s another of the stories I wrote for Man’s Story 2 once upon a time, though I have rewritten it and changed the ending, because I was never happy with the original.

And now, without further ado, I present you Seraglio:

Seraglio The peaceful life of sisters Naira and Margarid is shattered when their Armenian village is raided and their family slaughtered. Sold into slavery, the sisters are separated. Naira eventually ends up in the harem of the mighty Sultan Abdul Selim, ruler of the vast Ottoman Empire. Here, even the slightest hint of disobedience is punished with utmost severity, as the sadistic head eunuch assures her. And indeed the torments that await a disobedient slave in the Sultan’s harem are manifold. But with her sister in mortal danger, Naira is willing to face even death and worse to regain her freedom and save Margarid’s life.

Warning: There is quite a bit of violence and cruelty in this story, so sensitive readers should tread carefully.

For more information visit the dedicated Seraglio page.
But it for the low price of 2.99 USD or EUR, 1.99 GBP at Amazon US, Amazon UK, Amazon Germany, Amazon France, Amazon Spain, Amazon Italy, DriveThruFiction, OmniLit/AllRomance e-books and XinXii.
More formats coming soon.

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