A sales milestone, two events, strong female characters and retro TV gossip

Pegasus Pulp passed the 100 sales threshold today.

And if you’re in the Bremen area, I also want to point out two literary events: Tomorrow, i.e. March 8, Elke Marion Weiß will present her debut novel Triangel in the “Bremer Krimibibliothek” in the Bremen city library. And on March 16, Ian Watson and Jürgen Preckel will present Riverbank City: Poems & Piano at the “Haus der Wissenschaft”.

Back to the internet: Apparently, there’s something in the air regarding strong female characters and what does and does not constitute a strong female character.

Mur Lafferty weighs in on the topic of strong female characters here. And regular commenter Estara points out this post on the subject from Overthinking It.

In other news, Maggie Smith is apparently hesitant to sign on for Downton Abbey beyond series 3, which is currently being filmed, as is Dan Stevens who plays Matthew, heir apparent of the Earldom. Since Maggie Smith is the main draw of the show for many and the romance of the Matthew character with one Lady Mary is apparently the central plotline from what I could gleam without actually watching the damned thing.

While on the subject of retro TV shows, the Daily Mail asked actors Jon Hamm and Elizabeth Moss, who respectively play Don Draper and Peggy Olsen on Mad Men, whether their characters would finally sleep together. The answers are the usual evasive replies that actors always give when asked about spoilers.

Still, the chemistry between Don Draper and Peggy Olsen is pretty undeniable and one of the things that keeps me watching Mad Men even through the interminable suburban domestic drama of Betty Draper, the not-so-shocking dark past of Don Draper and other completely uninteresting plotlines. The other thing is all that stuff about advertising in the 1960s, which is actually fascinating. Besides, in the most recent episode that I watched, the finale of season 3 apparently, Don all but declared his love for Peggy in a rambling “My wife has left me and I’m about to leave my cozy job to open my own agency and would you please come with me, because I need you and if you don’t say yes, I’m going to keep making you offers for the rest of your life” monologue.

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2 Responses to A sales milestone, two events, strong female characters and retro TV gossip

  1. Estara says:

    Well, my link is apparently four years old but a) I hadn’t read it yet and b) it repeats and expands aspects of the use of strong women in media which the article you initially linked to also has ^^.

    • Cora says:

      The situation hasn’t necessarily gotten any better in the past four years, though Transformers was particularly offensive in that regard. Though any female presence in Transformers is a step forward, since the original cartoon didn’t have any women at all most of the time.

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