Frost, Ice and Snow

Over the past week or so, much of Europe has been experiencing extreme frost. Yesterday night, the temperature dropped to minus 13 degrees Celsius, at the moment it’s minus eleven degrees. And I’m in North-Western Germany which rarely gets extreme frost due to the relative proximity of the North Sea.

Nastier than the frost, at least for me, is the high air pressure zone that is the cause of it. Because my body really doesn’t like high air pressure – it reacts with headaches to high air pressure or extreme changes. It doesn’t help that many people don’t take weather-related headaches seriously – quite a lot of people chalk it up to hysteria. And if you have the misfortune to be affected by high air pressure like me, it’s even worse, because the majority of people get symptoms from low pressure, not high pressure.

Friday night, we even got some snow to go with the frost. It wasn’t a whole lot, just a light dusting really, but this may nonetheless be the most lasting snow we’re seeing this winter.

Behind the cut, there are a few photos:

Snowy Road

My street, lightly dusted with snow. It all looks rather postapocalyptic.

Snowy road

My street viewed in the other direction, looking somewhat less apocalyptic.

Snow-dusted field and tree

A snow-dusted field and oak tree.

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4 Responses to Frost, Ice and Snow

  1. Estara says:

    Yesternight, around 1.30 am, I had minus 17,5 degrees outside my bathroom window – which is in a sheltered spot, but also in the shade so it get’s warm air later than the places that get some sun during the day.

    This morning around 9.30 we still had minus 13 degrees. Around 1pm we finally had minus 9 and now we have minus 8, so that’s something.

    Bavaria can go below minus 20 degrees sometimes, but very rarely and not all over the state, usually.

    Hope you’re doing okay. I find that 200 mg Ibuprofen usually help me.

    • Cora says:

      I heard that Munich airport had minus 27 degrees yesterday and still managed to maintain air traffic. North West Germany rarely goes under minus ten degrees though and hardly ever for such an extended period. Anyway, I hope you’re keeping warm in icy Bavaria.

      I mostly use Aspirin, because that’s the over the counter painkiller that works best for me.

  2. Sherwood says:

    It’s hard to imagine that cold as summer has already begun here. Stay warm and well! (And that street is beautiful.)

    • Cora says:

      Luckily, my heater is fully functional, though operating at the edge of its capacity, and I have enough fuel.

      Glad you like the street, by the way. It was even nicer when there was still an empty field in front of my home, before they started building some eyesore buildings there (kept out of the shot, though you can see the mobile toilet for the workmen at the edge of one photo.

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