Christmas Decorations

For some seasonal cheer, here are some photos of my Christmas decorations, starring Else, a department store mannequin I bought at a going-out-of-business a few years ago. Since then she’s looking out of my front windows and scaring off burglars.

Else’s dress, by the way, is a vintage gown from the late 1970s that I rescued from my parents’ basement. The necklace used to be mine – I bought it in a Dutch department store in the late 1980s. The Santa hat was bought at Claire’s.

Christmas Mannequin

Else is all decked out for Christmas

Christmas Mannequin

Else is looking out for Santa

Christmas angels

Not Else, but still cute: A choir of Christmas angels plus a devil and a scapegoat sitting on one of my bookshelves

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3 Responses to Christmas Decorations

  1. Estara says:

    Well that certainly tops the Christmas decorations I’ve ever known. Lovely colour coordination on Else ^^

    • Cora says:

      Thanks. She’ll love to hear that.

      I really like the red gown on Else. And it’s sleeveless, because getting sleeves on her bent arms is next to impossible.

  2. Pingback: Snow and Seasonal Cheer… and Klingons? | Cora Buhlert

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