Two Quick Links for an Advent Sunday

Good news: Two more of the missing Doctor Who episodes from the 1960s have been found, namely episode 3 of the first Doctor story Galaxy Four, a story which was completely lost except for a brief clip, and episode 2 of the second Doctor story The Underwater Menace, of which there are now two surviving episodes.

Many classic BBC programs, including more than 100 individual Doctor Who episodes, were lost to an archive cleansing spree in the 1970s, so it’s good to see that some episodes are still popping up in forgotten archives and collections. I actually found some film rolls with lost BBC programs in a closet at the university and facilitated their safe return to the BBC archives. Alas, it was documentaries and educational programming not something cool like Doctor Who or Top of the Pops.

USA Today has a nice interview with Marjorie M. Liu.

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