First of all, I have an announcement: Pegasus Pulp e-books are now available at OmniLit/AllRomance ebooks.
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Damien Walter has a great post on emotions and writing.
As Smart Bitches, Trashy Books points out, romantic suspense and paranormal romance writer Cynthia Eden has been plagiarized. A fanfic writer calling themselves Misconception76 has taken the words of Cynthia Eden’s novel Deadly Heat, turned it into a piece of Twilight fanfiction by changing the names of the characters to Edward and Bella and posted the whole thing on However, the self-policing of the fanfiction community seems to have worked, because the story has been taken down.
Juliet McKenna has a great post on the representation of women in epic fantasy at Bad Reputation, a feminist pop culture blog.
Bad Reputation also offers lots of more good stuff, including this appreciation of She-Ra, Princess of Power, He-Man’s much cooler sister.