Another short update from Dublin

I’m still enjoying myself very much here in Dublin. The weather has been mild and sunny all the time, only yesterday morning there was a bit of rain, and that was while we were having breakfast, so it wasn’t much of a problem.

Visited some beautiful parks, lovely medieval churches, a stunning historical cemetery, Dublin Castle, etc… I also bought some books at a bookstore founded in 1761 and mentioned in Ulysses. Expect photos, when I’m back home.

Yesterday, I chanced to watch the latest episode of Doctor Who as well as a repeat of Downton Abbey on TV at the hotel and they were both crap. Even worse than I expected, to be honest. And that’s not just my opinion. My roommate agreed as well.

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One Response to Another short update from Dublin

  1. Estara says:

    Yay, enjoy the rest of your stay!

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